Catharine Blaine K-8

Catharine Blaine
Get Involved


Volunteer At Catharine Blaine K8 School

Blaine Green Team – Volunteer to help recycle and keep Blaine Green

Our goal is to significantly reduce the amount of landfill waste generated at Blaine. Thanks to years of work on the part of past Blaine parent Karen Kubota and our current Middle School Science teacher Randy Self we have a strong program. Joining the team this fall is parent, Ben Eckhart. Due to our diligence in conserving energy, water and waste, a Shared Savings award of $1600 has been awarded to Blaine. This will enable the Green Team to purchase enhancements for our programs.

Lunch time recycling program! Students volunteer to help other students dispose of waste into the proper receptacles; landfill, compost and recyclables. Interested in helping train and/or oversee the student lunch time volunteers? Pick a Monday, noon-1:00 p.m. to help train for the week! Questions, contact Ben Eckhart at

For class parties and events , grab a green compost slim jim on wheels from the copy room (there are 3, 2 on dollies) on left as you enter, then empty after in compost dumpster. Everything you need is there. Extra bags and keys for disposal included. Any questions? Contact parent coordinator Ben Eckhart at

Cafeteria – Volunteer to help serve K-5 hot lunch

The Blaine cafeteria manager, Toni Perez O’Brien, would like to welcome parents to help her service hot lunch to the K-5 students any day of the week all through the school year.  The time commitment is from 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Grab an apron, wash your hands and start serving up healthy food alongside Toni.  Volunteers earn a free lunch!  Helping out is easy and fun, sign for a day on this handy.  Please email Toni or call and leave a message at 206-252-1963.

Help Out Around Blaine – Volunteer in the Office, Playground Supervision, Library

Volunteer in the Office – Additional hands are sometimes needed and ALWAYS appreciated! Try it out or be a regular helper. Contact Elaine Merz in the Blaine office at

Volunteer for Playground Supervision – Contact Elaine to be added to a “call me” list for days we need support supervising recess. Help with one session of recess or all three. The kids LOVE to see you out there!

Volunteer in the Library – Librarian/Teacher, Barb Barden always welcomes help in the library; checking books in/out, reshelving books (a constant need), etc. Contact “Ms. B” to find out how you can help.

How to Apply to Volunteer with Seattle Public Schools

Why Volunteer in Your Child’s School?

  • Higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates
  • Better attendance
  • Increased motivation & self-esteem

Checklist for New Volunteers

Visit our volunteer website to:

  • Review volunteer handbook
  • Complete online training
  • Apply securely online
  • Background check required

Questions? Contact your school office or visit the SPS Volunteer page to learn more.

Additional Steps for Certain Volunteer Roles

The following volunteer roles require a national background check, regardless of how long the volunteer has resided in Washington:

  1. Unsupervised volunteers who work with children regularly (including remote/virtual volunteers).
  2. Volunteers chaperoning overnight field trips longer than three days.
  3. Volunteers involved in any sports or gym activities coordinated by the school (for Athletics see *).

If situations 2 or 3 apply to you, visit the volunteer website to learn more.

* Important: Athletic coaches must apply via the SPS Athletics Department.

Sports Safety

All gym and sports volunteers must be current on CPR, First Aid, Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Concussion Courses.

Field Trips

Field trip volunteers supervise students. Once approved to volunteer, request additional forms from the field trip organizer to review and acknowledge your important responsibilities.

Keeping Students Safe

Child Abuse Prevention

Nationally, one in four girls and one in six boys are sexually abused before age 18. Volunteers help to protect children by learning to recognize and report potential abuse.

At SPS, each volunteer completes an online Sexual Misconduct Prevention training before start of their service.

Criminal Background Check

  • If you have lived in Washington State for the past three (3) years, SPS will complete your state background check at no cost to you.
  • If you came to Washington from another state in the past three years, you will need to purchase a one-time national background check.

New or newly returned to the U.S.?

Visit the SPS Volunteer page for more information.

Why is there a fee for out-of-state background checks?

Unlike our state, the federal government does not provide schools with free screening tools. SPS selected a vendor to offer secure, affordable background checks for the volunteers who need them ($21 in most cases).

Frequently Asked Questions

I completed an online application last year. Do I have to reapply this year?

Your online application is on file so please do not create a new application. On your second volunteer anniversary, you will receive an email with login instructions to renew your application.

Can I use my smart phone to apply?
Our online volunteer application is smart-phone friendly.

Thank you for helping create safe schools, and for your generous donation of time and talent!