Catharine Blaine K-8

Catharine Blaine


circ desk

Welcome to the Catharine Blaine K-8 Library!

The Catharine Blaine K-8 Library is a safe space for the whole community. Students are encouraged to be independent thinkers, inquisitive learners, and responsible community members here in our little library. They have access to diverse, relevant, and high quality books and resources. Our library strives to be a space where students can pursue their interests, whether that is through books, technology, or spending time with peers.

ms corner - The reading nook
The Reading Nook

Meet your librarian:

Librarian Christine Catozzi

Christine Catozzi has been a part of the Catharine Blaine K-8 community for over a decade. First, as a 4th grade teacher. Then, as her dream job became available, the school librarian! Ms. Catozzi reads every spare second she has, and connecting kids with books is her passion.

Follow the library on social media for library updates, book recommendations, and upcoming events:

Instagram: @librarian_catozzi

cozy puzzle table among bookshelves

Log onto The Source

Watch the YouTube video below to learn how to access school resources

Students log onto the Source without following their username.1alstudentStudents log onto the  Student Portal with  (Clever Login)

Need Password Help?

Need help logging in/forgot your password? Contact your classroom/homeroom teacher.

Access Schoology App

Watch the YouTube video below to learn how to access the Schoology App on your phone

Accessing SPL Digital Books via Libby and Hoopla

Watch video on YouTube

ALL Seattle Public School students can log in and access Seattle Public Library resources using their 13-digit Library Link SPL Card # provided by the district.  

You can use this Library Link SPL Card to access Libby (ebooks & audiobooks), Hoopla (graphic novels, music, movies/TV), Kanopy (movies & documentaries), research databases, language-learning courses, and more. 

Log-in Instructions using your Library Link Card #:

If the system asks for an email address (Hoopla & Kanopy do), use your SPS email (

Your  Library Link  Barcode/Username  is  990000 + your 7-digit student ID #  (look it up on the Source and use STUDENT #, not STATE #)

Your  Library Link  PIN  is the  mmdd  of your birth date. Do NOT include the year. (Ex. April 6 = 0406 / December 18 = 1218) 

[If you signed up for your own library card through the public library, you can use that info also, for two accounts!] 

Online Resources

How to Access Online Academic Resources

Placing a Book On Hold Information

How to Place a Hold for a Blaine Library Book (link posted soon)

reading area with a tent, log shaped cushions and a rug with logs amongst book shelves